The Big Picture
Well on the way to a sustainable future

At SynCycle, we are committed to unwaste plastic! For a better tomorrow, we all have to consider the big picture and start to take action – join us and become part of the solution!
In the 21st century, humanity enters the age of plastic. As an incredibly versatile material group, plastic is already an integral part of our daily life. This will not change in the foreseeable future. What needs to change is, however, the way we handle this valuable resource once it has fulfilled its purpose. The sight of plastic islands drifting in our oceans or polluted beaches must not be our legacy for future generations.
SynCycle is part of the solution. By utilizing chemical recycling processes, discarded plastic re-enters the value chain boosting the transformation towards a truly circular economy.
Recognizing the value of plastic waste
Waste or valuable resource? Know-how makes the difference!
SynCycle technology utilizes the full performance potential of chemical plastic recycling.

Chemical Recycling
offers new opportunities for the plastic value chain.
By means of thermal depolymerization, plastic is broken down into its monomers inside a pyrolysis reactor. The produced circular oil is the feedstock for chemical and plastic industry, thereby closing the circle.

SynCycle takes the role
as a leading innovator in this development.
Regulations, policies and a change in public awareness sustainably shape the plastic recycling landscape.
Would you burn or bury a valuable resource? We wouldn’t because we know about the value of plastic waste.

SynCycle Technology
A robust and modular solution for chemical recycling
Our unique technological approach of a decentralized and modular concept enables customers to turn plastic waste locally into valuable resources. SynCycle makes chemical recycling a viable and adaptable technology which is accessible to all players along the plastic value chain.
SynCycle has developed a technology that transforms non-recyclable plastic into new products. In cooperation with BDI BioEnergy International and the Next Generation Group, chemical recycling by using the SynCyle technology offers a one-stop shop concept for all process steps.

1. Mixed plastic waste
is utilized as feedstock material
2. In feedstock pre-treatment,
the plastic is shredded, dried and melted
3. In the pyrolysis reactor,
the polymers are decomposed into shorter hydrocarbons – pyrolysis gas is generated

4. The downstream unit
transforms the pyrolysis gas into circular oil using a condensation process.
5. The circular oil
is refined to highest quality standards and re-enters the value chain as feedstock in the chemical and plastic industry.
Circular Economy
It is about redefining growth
SynCycle Cooperation
Recycling is our responsibility
SynCycle is a joint project driven by the Next Generation Group and BDI-BioEnergy International. In this cooperation, experts in recycling join forces. A combined 50 years of industry experience and extensive in-house R&D capabilities provide you with a tailor-made solution for your specific plastic waste challenge.
A worldwide installation base of 1,500 projects, a portfolio of over 300 patents and more than 350 dedicated experts offer you the track record needed for a competent and safe launch pad for your chemical recycling project.
SynCycle is open to collaboration and partnership opportunities because we see the need to join efforts. “Big enough to innovate, small enough to cooperate” – that’s our motto.

Upper Austrian Award for Innovation 2021
Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises category
3rd place: Next Generation Elements GmbH
Wie Abfall zur Rohstoffquelle wird
FFG – Projekt GPOIL gemeinsam mit Greiner Packaging International GmbH, FH OÖ Campus Wels, Energie AG Umweltservice GmbH gefördert über OÖ2020 – Kreislaufwirtschaft aus Mitteln des oö. Wirtschafts- und Forschungsstrategie #upperVISION 2030 vom Land OÖ.
Chemisches recyceln mit SynCycle
in Kooperation mit BDI – BioEnergy International GmbH und KRUWE GmbH